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Event lifecycle

AutoNumeric elements are transparent to the native input and change events, which means those are correctly sent when using an <input> element managed by AutoNumeric.

AutoNumeric custom events

In addition to the native events, custom events sent by AutoNumeric elements allows you to hook into the formatting lifecycle, as you see fit:

  • 'autoNumeric:correctedValue' when an invalid value is corrected
  • 'autoNumeric:initialized' when the AutoNumeric element is initialized
  • 'autoNumeric:invalidFormula' when the user tries to validate an invalid math expression
  • 'autoNumeric:invalidValue' when an invalid value is entered (ie. when the raw value is out of the min/max range)
  • 'autoNumeric:rawValueModified' when the rawValue is modified
  • 'autoNumeric:formatted' when all the formatting is done and the formatted string is modified
  • 'autoNumeric:minExceeded' if the minimumValue is not respected
  • 'autoNumeric:maxExceeded' if the maximumValue is not respected
  • 'autoNumeric:validFormula' when the user validate a valid math expression


You can also set if the events triggered by the AutoNumeric elements, custom or native, should:

  • Bubble up (option eventBubbles) or
  • Be cancelable (option eventIsCancelable).

Event lifecycle

Whenever an AutoNumeric element is initialized, the custom 'autoNumeric:initialized' event is sent.
When using AutoNumeric.multiple() to initialize numerous elements at once, as many 'autoNumeric:initialized' events are sent as there are initialized elements.

Finally, the 'change' event is sent on blur if the value has been changed since the focus one.


The AutoNumeric.format() static function does trigger an 'autoNumeric:formatted' event if the value that the user is trying to format is outside the minimumValue and maximumValue range, with the detail attribute containing the range error message.

Custom events details


The 'autoNumeric:formatted' event has a payload that contains the following detail attribute:

Example of `CustomEvent` object sent by AutoNumeric when its value is formatted
const theCustomEvent = {
    detail    : {
        oldValue   : "78,00 €",  // The previous formatted value
        newValue   : "788,00 €", // The new formatted value
        oldRawValue: 78,         // The previous raw value
        newRawValue: 788,        // The new raw value
        isPristine : false,      // Is the element value still pristine? In other words, has its value changed since its initialization?
        error      : null,       // The error message as a string, `null` if no errors.
        aNElement  : theAutoNumericObject, // The AutoNumeric object emitting this event
    // ...and the usual `bubbles` and `cancelable` attributes
When caught, you can access the event attributes like so:
function onFormattedEvent(event) {
    if (!event.detail.isPristine) {
        console.log(`The element value has been changed from ${event.detail.oldValue} to ${event.detail.newValue}.`);


The 'autoNumeric:rawValueModified' event has a payload that contains the following detail attribute:

Example of `CustomEvent` object sent by AutoNumeric when the `rawValue` is modified
const theCustomEvent = {
    detail    : {
        oldRawValue: 78,    // The previous raw value
        newRawValue: 788,   // The new raw value
        isPristine : false, // Is the `rawValue` still pristine? In other words, did it changed since the object initialization?
        error      : null,  // The error message as a string, `null` if no errors.
        aNElement  : theAutoNumericObject, // The AutoNumeric object emitting this event
    // ...


The 'autoNumeric:initialized' event has a payload that contains the following detail attribute:

Example of `CustomEvent` object sent by AutoNumeric when the object is first initialized
const theCustomEvent = {
    detail    : {
        newValue   : "788,00 €", // The new formatted value
        newRawValue: 788,        // The new raw value
        error      : null,       // The error message as a string, `null` if no errors.
        aNElement  : theAutoNumericObject, // The AutoNumeric object emitting this event
    // ...


The 'autoNumeric:invalidFormula' event has a payload that contains the following detail attribute:

Example of `CustomEvent` object sent by AutoNumeric when the math expression is invalid
const theCustomEvent = {
    detail    : {
        formula  : '22+35 - (44',        // The invalid formula
        aNElement: theAutoNumericObject, // The AutoNumeric object emitting this event
    // ...


The 'autoNumeric:validFormula' event has a payload that contains the following detail attribute:

Example of `CustomEvent` object sent by AutoNumeric when the math expression is valid
const theCustomEvent = {
    detail    : {
        formula  : '22+35 - (44)',       // The valid formula
        result   : 13,                   // The math expression result
        aNElement: theAutoNumericObject, // The AutoNumeric object emitting this event
    // ...

This can then be used within another script.
For instance, you could listen to that event in a Vue.js component template like so:


Check out the official vue-autonumeric component for more info

Key inputs & events sent

Below are listed how AutoNumeric react to different types of key inputs.

Inputing numbers and decimal characters

By default a 'normal' printable character input (ie. '2' or ',') will result in those events, in that specific order:

  1. 'keydown'
  2. 'autoNumeric:minExceeded' or 'autoNumeric:maxExceeded' only if there was a range problem
  3. 'keypress' (this is deprecated and will be removed soon)
  4. 'input'
  5. 'keyup'
  6. 'autoNumeric:formatted' when all the formatting is done
  7. 'autoNumeric:rawValueModified' when the rawValue is modified


Please check how is structured the payload attached to the event variable. The event detail provides easy access to the old and new value.

Modifier keys

When inputting a modifier key (ie. Control), we get:

  1. 'keydown'
  2. 'keyup'
  3. 'autoNumeric:formatted'
  4. 'autoNumeric:rawValueModified'

Deleting numbers

If Delete or Backspace is entered, the following events are sent:

  1. 'keydown'
  2. 'input'
  3. 'keyup'
  4. 'autoNumeric:formatted'
  5. 'autoNumeric:rawValueModified'

Validating the field

If Enter is entered and the value has not changed, the following events are sent:

  1. 'keydown'
  2. 'keypress'
  3. 'keyup'
  4. 'autoNumeric:formatted'
  5. 'autoNumeric:rawValueModified'

If Enter is entered and the value has been changed, the following events are sent:

  1. 'keydown'
  2. 'keypress'
  3. 'change'
  4. 'keyup'
  5. 'autoNumeric:formatted'
  6. 'autoNumeric:rawValueModified'

Pasting data

When a paste is done with the mouse, the following events are sent:

  1. 'input'
  2. 'keydown'
  3. 'input'
  4. 'keyup'
  5. 'keyup'
  6. 'autoNumeric:formatted'
  7. 'autoNumeric:rawValueModified'

When a paste is done with the keyboard shortcut (ie. ctrl+v), the following events are sent:

  1. 'keydown'
  2. 'keydown'
  3. 'input'
  4. 'keyup'
  5. 'keyup'
  6. 'autoNumeric:formatted'
  7. 'autoNumeric:rawValueModified'